
Downsizing Your Office? Here Are Tips To Have A Smooth Move In Potomac

The success of teleworking over the past year has led many organizations to rethink the legitimacy of their pre-pandemic office space. As businesses prepare for a 2021 re-opening, the concept of a hybrid workplace is gaining ground, with some employees returning to the office and others working from home. If you’ve decided to downsize your […]

A Personal Assistant in Potomac Can Help Relieve Stress In These Ways!

We all know about work-induced anxiety, but what about personal challenges? According to a 2014 study by the Council on Contemporary Families, people are more stressed at home than at work. While employees may know what they’re supposed to do, people at home can lack that workplace clarity, have task lists that never end, and […]

With Gratitude and Thanks to Our Clients at Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, we are feeling more grateful than ever for our wonderful clients like you. Modifying the way we help others in a global pandemic was possible because of the trust and confidence you placed in us. Your flexibility, positivity, and resilience helped make everything go smoothly. Working with people like you is what makes […]

Children Moving Back Home? Use These Tips To Stay Organized!

The coronavirus outbreak has pushed millions of young adults to move back with family members. An adult child returning can cause major shifts in a household and regardless of how much you love them, it can add stress. Here are some tips that may help with the transition: Declutter – Is your son’s old bedroom […]

Genius Tips for Simplifying Your Email Overload

These days, many of us are relying on email more than ever. Like physical clutter, an overloaded inbox is distracting and causes stress. Essential emails can easily get lost if you lack organization and an efficient system for your incoming and outgoing messages. Here are some tips to consider to simplify your email communications: 9 […]

Home Organization Tips: Back to Basics

Anxiety levels are higher in these uncertain times and clutter around the house doesn’t help ease your mental load. Now that your home is being used as a multi-purpose space, clutter accumulates quickly with personal, work, and school items all mixed together. Decluttering and re-organizing can be productive ways to spend time while engaging in […]

5 Organization Tips For a Stress-Free Tax Season

 If your stress level was sky-high last April, you weren’t alone. Many of us scramble days before the tax deadline, searching our homes for receipts and paperwork. The key to a more relaxed tax season is organization. The tax deadline, April 15, is quickly approaching. While we can’t tell you how to do taxes, we can show […]

Complete Home Inventory – Advice From a Professional Organizer

If you’re unsure how much house insurance to purchase or if you’re feeling unprepared in the event of having to make a claim, it’s wise to spend a bit of time now to take an inventory of your belongings. Review the following 6 tips: 1) DO YOUR HOMEWORK – Most insurance companies require homeowners to […]

Home Organization in Fall: Exterior 10-Item Checklist for Your House

It may seem too early to think about prepping your home for the winter, but if you’ll be needing any services, advance planning is key. Lawn maintenance services and exterior painters get awfully busy this time of year. 1) CLOSE SWIMMING POOL – You will need to reduce the water level, unhook and drain pipes, […]

Move Manager Tips: How to Handle Sudden Changes in Moving Plans

Usually, one has plenty of notice before a big move. There is ample time to declutter, pack up boxes, cancel subscriptions, and arrange for a reputable moving company. There are occasions when a move is more sudden, such as a death in the family, unanticipated job relocation, or last-minute changes in closing dates or tenant […]

11 Decluttering/Moving Tips for Estate Trustees

After the death of a loved one, one of the most time-consuming and emotionally difficult tasks is clearing out the family home.  If you have lost your parents or a loved one and are in charge of selling their house, you may find the following checklist helpful. 1) Call locksmith – Any number of people […]

Get Motivated for a House Declutter

If your home needs decluttering, the pervasiveness of quotes on the subject indicates you’re not alone.  Do any of these resonate powerfully with you? Here’s What Experts Have to Say About… Feeling Out Of Control The more your own things, the more they own you. Unknown Feeling Stressed Amidst Clutter Clearing clutter—be it physical, mental, […]

Organization and Time Saving Blog - Potomac Concierge