
Is Someone You Know A Hoarder?

Are you concerned about someone with an excessive amount of clutter? Perhaps you’re worried about their living conditions or maybe they need help moving. If you suspect your friend or family member may suffer from hoarding disorder, you’ll need help. What Is Hoarding? The extent to which someone hoards can vary significantly. According to the […]

Where to Donate Items After Decluttering

Are you decluttering to reclaim space, for peace of mind, or in preparation for a move? Where do you take everything? The sheer volume of items unearthed after a full-house declutter can be overwhelming, as there are many things you shouldn’t just throw in the trash bin. To make the process easier, to give you […]

Home Organization Checklist for Aging Parents in Potomac, MD

As our parents age, they may require help managing their finances and organizing their homes. It’s important to ensure that their living spaces are comfortable and safe and that their important documents are easily accessible. Potomac Concierge can provide valuable assistance to help you create a functional and accessible environment for both your parents and […]

8 Ways Decluttering Can Help You Live A Simpler, Happy Life

Too much clutter in a home can be depressing, overwhelming, embarrassing, and distracting. Not only does clutter lead to brain fog, it also serves as a visual reminder of work that needs to be done. A messy home can become unsafe and difficult to clean properly. It can also waste a tremendous amount of time […]

7 Reasons to Hire a Professional Organizer for a Pre-Move Declutter

Few people should move before a full house declutter. Nobody wants to start fresh in a new home with items no longer needed.  Even if you’ve been diligent over the years regularly paring down, choices must be made if you’re downsizing.  Getting rid of prized possessions isn’t easy and most people can benefit from professional […]

How to Declutter After Personal Loss: 5 Tips

Decluttering a home in the best of times is an arduous task. If you are decluttering after a traumatic loss, then it’s overwhelming and not something to do alone. Shock and grief can be debilitating. Loss comes in many forms and affects everyone differently. Some examples are divorce, the death of a loved one, illness, […]

How to Move Your Valuables Safely – 8 Tips

If you’re about to get settled into a new home, your to-do list is probably long. It’s important to organize and pre-plan a move meticulously to protect those items most precious to you. The list varies by individual, but it might include jewelry, important documents and files, prescriptions, electronic devices, priceless antiques, expensive artwork, heirlooms, […]

Packing Advice from A Professional Move Manger: 9 Dos and Don’ts

If you have a move coming up, packing is probably on your mind. With some pre-planning and the right materials on hand, you can help keep costs down by avoiding common packing mistakes.  If your belongings are packed safely and properly, your move will be faster, allowing you to minimize per-hour costs. 1)   Don’t use […]

12 Tips for Organizing Your Closet

If you are like most people, your closet needs organizing. It’s one of those dreaded tasks we tend to put off, but once it’s completed, you feel great! The start of a new season is the perfect time to tackle your closet, either on your own or with the help of VIP concierges. Here are […]

How to Plan Your Relocation Like a Professional Move Manager

A well-planned move is key unless you thrive under tremendous stress. Lay out a plan week by week from about seven to eight weeks out until moving day. While each move and the specific tasks associated with it vary by family, here is a typical checklist: Week #1 – Hire a moving company after getting […]

11 Tips for Adjusting to a Smaller Home

You may be downsizing your home for any number of reasons. Maybe you fell in love with another neighborhood that’s pricier than your current one. Perhaps you’re tired of a long daily commute. Are you an empty nester and can’t properly maintain a large home? If you are combining households with someone, then you are […]

Manage Your Time Better: Nine Tips from a Personal Assistant

Time is money, and many of us wish for more. Learn to better manage yourself, your family, or your business, and you’ll love your extra time, lower stress, and potentially higher income. Read on for time management tips from the experienced personal assistants at Potomac Concierge. Plan well ahead – Leaving things until the last […]

Organization and Time Saving Blog - Potomac Concierge