Children Moving Back Home? Use These Tips To Stay Organized!

October 13, 2020 |

DownsizingThe coronavirus outbreak has pushed millions of young adults to move back with family members. An adult child returning can cause major shifts in a household and regardless of how much you love them, it can add stress. Here are some tips that may help with the transition:

Declutter – Is your son’s old bedroom now the study, storage area, or sewing room? Some decluttering and packing up may be in order before his return. Separate items into Donate, Trash, and Keep. Take an inventory of what you relocate to another space. Don’t rely on your memory!

Find a Dedicated Space for Storage – If your child is permanently leaving her own home, what about all of the furniture?  Is selling an option or do you prefer renting a storage unit?  If your basement and attic can accommodate everything, some re-organizing will inevitably be needed.

Make a Plan to Manage the Move – How will you move your daughter back home? With COVID-19, there are extra challenges to complete the move safely. Use a reputable moving company that follows CDC guidelines.

Re-think Common Areas – Your children will take up more space than a bedroom. Do other areas of your home need to be reorganized, such as the family room or basement? Have you assessed closet space? If your child will be teleworking, where will that take place?

Re-organize Your Kitchen – When our children are young, they eat what is served. This is usually not the case when they’re adults. Does your pantry and countertop need re-organizing to make space for their cooking needs?

Be Creative – Does your son or daughter need a space for working out? Could you re-organizing the garage to accommodate this?

Bring in Backup – With an extra person in the household, you may want to increase the frequency of your house cleaning services – especially if your child is bringing home a pet!

Call in a Professional – If you lack the time and energy to get your home ready, consider having a professional do the work. You want someone with an eye for maximizing the efficient use of space, with knowledge of all aspects of the in-and-out moving process, and with creative ideas.

Professional Organizing, Personal Assistants & Move Managers

If you have an adult child moving back to your DC area home, call Potomac Concierge for help. Our Professional Organizers, Move Managers, and Personal Assistants will handle everything efficiently, safely, and creatively. We even offer virtual services! We all understand the importance of a stress-free home. Enjoy the special time with your loved one!

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Children Moving Back Home? Use These Tips To Stay Organized!